3CT By-Laws


Effective: Jan 1, 2012
(And as amended  Jan 1, 2016)

Article I – Membership

Section 1 - Regular Membership

There will be a special Charter Membership fee of $30.00 for everyone joining in 2012. That same fee will be guaranteed for Camera Clubs for 2013 and subject to adjustment by the Executive Board on a yearly basis after that. All other membership fees will be subject to adjustment by the Board for 2013 and beyond on a yearly basis. (Note: Currently Club memberships are $40.00 per year.)

Section 2 – Special Memberships

Individual Lifetime Members and Sponsors are welcome and will be able to take advantage of the Charter Membership fee of $25.00 if they join in 2012. That fee will be subject to adjustment by the Executive Board starting in 2013 and on a yearly basis after that.

Individual Lifetime Members will be able to serve on the Executive Board with Board approval.  Unless they are serving on the Board they will not have voting rights unless the Board decides otherwise.  Sponsors will not be able to serve on the Executive Board or have voting privileges unless the Board decides otherwise.  (As amended on 01.01.2016)

Section 3 – Out of State Membership

Any Out of State Club Memberships will be treated as Regular Memberships.

Section 4 – Voting Privileges

Each Camera Club will have one vote to be made by their Club Representative. He/she shall be responsible to vote in the Club's best interest.

Section 5 – Eligibility for Office

The person must be an active member of his/her camera club, and that club, in turn, must be an active member of 3CT, or a Lifetime Member with Executive Board Approval.  (As amended 01.01.2016)

Article II – Executive Board Responsibilities

Section 1 – The Duties of the President

  1. The President will preside at all meetings and events of the Council, serve as Chairperson of the Executive Board, and have general supervision of the administration of the affairs of the Council. The President may delegate the authority granted him/her herein to any other person or persons on the Executive Board.
  2. The President, subject to financial limitations prescribed by the Executive Board, shall create such committees as he deems necessary for the proper execution of the policies of the Council, as established by the Constitution and By-Laws, by the Executive Board, and by the membership.
  3. The President shall be available to assist all of the Executive Board Members as needed.

Section 2- The Duties of the Vice President

  1. In the absence of the President, or in the event of the inability of the President to perform the duties of his office for a prolonged period, the Vice President shall assume his/her duties until such time as the President is available or again able to function.
  2. In the event of the absence of both the President and Vice President, the Executive Board shall appoint one of the other Council Officers to preside at any meeting of the Council or of the Executive Board. If the absence of both the President and Vice President is prolonged, the Executive Board shall appoint replacements within the Executive Board until their return or until the next Annual Meeting of the membership.
  3. The Vice President shall have general supervision of all events and activities and will assist the Activities and Education Directors as needed.

Section 3- The Duties of the Treasurer

  1. The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the Council and of their disbursement, as ordered by the Executive Board.
  2. The Treasurer shall keep itemized records of all receipts and expenditures.
  3. The Treasurer shall provide the Executive Board with a report upon request so that they can consider unexpected expenditures accordingly.
  4. The Treasurer shall Chair the annual Finance Committee Meeting and provide them with the information they need for their audit, and shall present the finished audit to the council members at the Annual Meeting of the Council.
  5. With the input of the Executive Board Members, the Treasurer shall prepare an estimated Budget for the following year.
  6. The Treasurer shall have general supervision of membership and shall assist the Membership Director as needed.

Section 4 – The Duties of the Secretary

  1. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Council and of the Executive Board
  2. The Secretary shall be the Historian of the Council.
  3. Two months prior to January 1, the Secretary shall notify, in writing, the Representatives of each club, organization, or individual member, that their annual membership assessment is due and to where the assessment is to be sent.
  4. Deleted (As amended 01.01.2016)
  5. The Secretary shall have general supervision of both communications and publicity and shall assist both the Communications (Webmaster) Director and the Social Media Director as needed. (As amended 01.01.2016)

Section 5 – The Duties of the Activities Director

  1. The Activities Director shall Chair and staff the various Committees he/she deems necessary to:
    1. Deleted (As amended 01.01.2016)
    2. organize field trips.
    3. organize inter-club competitions and salons.
  2. The Activities Director shall coordinate with the Education Director for events that include both competitions and workshops.
  3. The Activities Director shall keep both the President and Vice President informed of his progress on a regular basis.

Section 6 – The Duties of the Education Director

  1. The Education Director shall Chair and staff the various Committees he deems necessary to:
    1. organize workshops.
    2. provide info on the various workshops going on in the state or within a reasonable distance.
    3. create and keep updated a list of photography courses available in the state.
    4. act as our contact with these various educational groups and encourage their sponsorship of 3CT.
  2. The Education Director shall coordinate with the Activities Director for events that include both competitions and workshops.

Section 7 – The Duties of the Membership Director

  1. The Membership Director shall Chair and staff the various Committees he deems necessary to:
    1. Complete and keep updated a list of potential clubs, organizations, art councils, galleries, photo businesses, and professional photographers.
    2. Continue to expand the Council's membership base.
    3. Find sponsors for the Council and its various events and contests.

Section 8 – The Duties of the Communications Director

  1. The Webmaster shall be the Webmaster. (Each Executive Board Member will be responsible to make sure the information on the website regarding their responsibilities is current and accurate.  If not, they will advise the Social Media Director of any additions or changes necessary.  (As amended 01.01.2016)
  2. The Webmaster shall be responsible for fixing any problems that arise on the website and adding any requested functions the Executive Committee feels necessary.
  3. The Webmaster shall continuously check to see that the Executive Board Members are keeping the information on their areas of responsibility current and shall remind them to do so if necessary.
  4. The Webmaster shall keep the President and Secretary aware of any problems.
  5. The Webmaster shall provide a backup in his/her absence.

Section 9 – The Duties of the Social Media Director (As amended 01.01.2016)

  1. The Social Media Director shall Chair and staff the various Committees he/she deems necessary to:
    1. Keep the website updated and keep the various social media venues updated and active (As amended 01.01.2016)
    2. Get all the information on the Council and its meetings and events out to everyone on the contact list in a timely fashion.
    3. Complete a list of places to see with links and members' photographs for visitors to TN.
    4. Keep the President and Secretary updated on his/her's progress on a regular basis.

Section 10 – The duties of the Past President

  1. The Past President shall assist the President in any way possible to assure a smooth and timely transition.
  2. The Past President shall serve on the Executive Board and as an advisor wherever necessary.
  3. The Past President shall assist the Historian (the Secretary) by providing an accurate summation of the events that took place, and any major changes made during his/her administration.

Article III – Finance

Section 1 – The fiscal year

The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31.

Section 2 – Expenditures

  1. Expenditures up to $200.00 must be approved by the President and the Treasurer.
  2. Expenditures over $201.00 must be approved by a majority of the Executive Board.

Section 3 – Dues

  1. Dues shall not be pro-rated.
  2. Dues shall be due January 1, each year. On January 31, any member who has not paid their dues shall lose all privileges and shall not be reinstated until their dues are paid.
  3. The Executive Board shall have the power to make exceptions they deem necessary or deserved.

Section 4 – Liability

Neither, the Council nor its Executive Board is liable for any Losses or injury to persons or property that might occur on the way to/from or at any of the Council activities.  (As amended 01.01.2016)

Section 5 – Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of the Council and the discharge of its debts and the settlement of its affairs, any funds and properties of the Council remaining thereafter shall become the property of the Photographic Society of America (PSA).


Section 1 – Officer’s Terms of Office

The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected for a two-year term and shall be eligible for re-election for a second term. After that, he or she will not be eligible for re-election to that position for two years.

Section 2 – Director’s Terms of Office

Directors shall be appointed by the Officers on a year-to-year basis and shall not serve more than four years in the same capacity.

Section 3 – Exceptions to Terms of Office

Exceptions to Sections 1 and 2, under emergency situations, can be made with a majority vote of the Board.


Section 1 – Nominating Committee

The Executive Board shall serve as the Nominating Committee.

Section 2 – Election of Officers

The Slate of Officers will be presented at the Annual Board meeting. The floor will then be opened to propose any other nominations. The nominations from the floor must have the prior consent of the nominee.

Member Clubs who are not able to have a Club Rep or Officer present at this meeting are welcome to forward their nominations to the Council President no later than one week before the Annual Board Meeting. The nominees will also need to confirm their willingness to run for office via email to the President one week before the meeting.

Section 3: Quorum

If one-third of the clubs are represented at the Annual Board Meeting a vote will take place. If not,
a complete ballot will be sent out to all Member club Presidents and Club Reps for the consideration of their memberships.

Each club has one vote. This vote will be due within one month of the ballot being received. If less than one-third of the member clubs respond, the current Board will elect the officers with a simple majority.

Section 4:  Directors

The new officers will then elect the Directors.

Section 5:  Term of Office Start Date

Newly elected Officers and Directors shall take office effective January 1st of the new term. Past Officers and Directors will provide all the help and information necessary for an easy transition.


Section 1:  Amendment Process

An amendment to the By-Laws may be initiated by three council members and presented in writing to the President, who shall bring it before the Executive Board. If it passes by a three-fourths vote of the entire Executive Board it must be published or otherwise made known to the active membership. If not more than one-third of the membership object in writing to the Secretary, within a period of two months following the publication, the amendment shall become effective. If more than one-third of the membership objects, the amendment shall be submitted by ballot to the entire membership, and after a 30-day period a majority vote shall determine whether or not the amendment is approved.

Section 2: Publish Dates

Amendments to these By-Laws must be made known to the council membership by suitable means within a period of one month after enactment.

Last Updated 08/02/2015 11:36:12 PM

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